O Cosmedics Sonic Cleansing Brush


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A revolutionary approach using a combination of Sonic pulsations and silicone fibre touchpoints. The O-Sonic is 35% more hygemoc than any other cleansing brush on the market and delivers a gentle yet deep cleanse which supports healthy skin function and age management control, in just two minutes a day! Up to 8,000 pulsatinos per minute (3 speeds) which are channeled through soft silicone touchpoint fibres which gently remove dead skin cells and stimulate blood supply for softness and radiance. The deep cleansing pulsations also unclog pores up to 99.5% and remove makeup residue by 98.5%. The O-Sonic is suitable for any skin type and any age, making it the perfect addition to any skincare regime.

How to Use

Use the O-Sonic 'smooth side' on low-frequency pulsations to lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a youthful look and feel.